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Portland Job Seekers: Phone Interview Strategies

If your potential employer doesn’t have the time or ability to conduct an in-person interview, they will probably try to interview you over the phone. Many of the same basic principles of face-to-face interviews apply to phone interviews, but the differences are big enough to call for a separate strategy. When you are applying for Portland Jobs, here are some tips you should remember if you interview over the phone, courtesy of Andrew G. Rosen at U.S. News.

1. Have your resume and some notes with you: always have a copy of your resume in front of you during a phone interview so you can reference it at any time. Having some notes will also remind you of questions you want to ask or certain matters you want to discuss. Rosen recommends having physical copies of these things if you don’t have internet access.

2. Make the call at home: making the call from your own home puts you in a relatively controlled environment with fewer distractions, which is the ideal place for a phone interview.

3. Be prepared: according to Rosen, you should be ready (with all of your materials) at least five minutes before the call comes in. He also says that interviewers may call early to test candidates.

4. Be mindful of your body language: despite the fact that you aren’t physically in the room with your interviewer, body language is still important. Rosen suggests finding a middle ground with your body; don’t move around too much and don’t stay too still.

By Kyle Wise

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